Lomography Colorsplash 35MM Camera
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Lomography Colorsplash 35MM Camera Overview
Product DescriptionHotstepping in glossy white, the Colorsplash camera will re-cast your world in a gorgeous riot of color. Its patented colorwheel system puts several tinted flash filters at your fingertips for instant selection; with an additional 9 filters included to exchange. Long exposure capability creates dreamy streaked backgrounds behind crisp, color-flashed foregrounds.
Lomography Colorsplash 35MM Camera Feature
- Re-cast your world in a gorgeous riot of color
- Patented colorwheel system puts several tinted flash filters at your finger tips for instant selection
- Long exposure capability creates dreamy streaked backgrounds behind crisp, color-flashed foregrounds
- Package includes camera, battery, film, poster, extra color filters, and "skin" bag
- Normal 35mm film, normal processing