Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm Camera
Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm CameraKonica-Minolta2442301 is a product to be taken into possession. Because there is very useful in applications. And it's a reasonable price. Not too expensive. Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm CameraKonica-Minolta2442301 can be purchased from the Internet. After Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm CameraKonica-Minolta2442301 was purchased. Products are delivered quickly. It makes our family very happy after work. It is very easy to use. The installation is easy because Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm CameraKonica-Minolta2442301 is easy to read and understand the information they love Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm CameraKonica-Minolta2442301 so much. We have recommended that we buy it all. If you are looking for a similar product that I recommend. Because the price is not too expensive. One. Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm CameraKonica-Minolta2442301 has a price. And limited.Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm CameraKonica-Minolta2442301
Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm Camera Overview
The Minolta Freedom Zoom Sightseer is an affordable, easy-to-use 35mm camera that truly takes the work out of taking pictures. The camera features a 35mm-to-70mm (2x) zoom lens that's controlled by a rocker switch located next to the shutter-release button. The Sightseer includes both an auto-focus and auto-exposure system--all you need to do is frame your picture and let the camera do the rest. The built-in flash has three flash modes, including red-eye reduction and fill-in flash. Other features include a 10-second self-timer. If you're looking for a no-fuss camera at an affordable price, this is it. Includes battery and strap. --Harry C. Edwards
Minolta Freedom Sightseer Zoom 35mm Camera Feature
- 35 to 70mm zoom lens
- Four flash modes
- Autofocus
- Self-timer
- Built-in lens cover